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David Lubans

David Lubans


Professor David Lubans is the Co-Director of the Centre for Active Living and Learning at the University of Newcastle, Australia. In 2022, he joined the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, as a Visiting Professor. The primary focus of his multidisciplinary research program is the design, evaluation, and dissemination of school-based physical activity interventions. Much of this research involves inter-sectoral partnerships with government and non-government organizations. Additionally, he studies the effects of physical activity on young people’s mental health, cognitive function, and academic outcomes. Professor Lubans has published over 350 journal articles across diverse fields, including education, psychology, exercise science, and public health. His work has received over 37,000 citations on Google Scholar, with an h-index of 96 (Scopus h-index = 71). He has been recognised as a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (top 1% most cited for subject field and year of publication) for the past five years (2019-2023).

VII Encontro Anual da Rede CpE
III Simpósio Satélite da Cátedra UNESCO de Ciência para Educação

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